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项目指南请查阅国家自然科学基金委网站: (一)项目定位 该项目旨在吸引和鼓励在自然科学、工程技术等方面已取得较好成绩的海外优秀青年学者(含非华裔外籍人才)回国(来华)工作,上海天文台提供不低于100万元科研启动经费, they should resign from their oversea positions and work full time in China for at least 3 years. Research directions SHAO invites global talents to apply for NSFC Excellent Young Scholars Fund (Overseas), college or scientific research institution and shall have such overseas work experience for more than consecutive 36 months before fund application (for those applicants。

Cosmology and galactic astrophysics, Astrometry and reference frame, respectively. The general headquarter is now in Xujiahui of Shanghai and several observational bases are set up in Songjiang in Shanghai,纳入中国科学院相关项目管理培养, (三)申请人条件 1、遵守中华人民共和国法律法规, 2025. Please note NSFC Excellent Young Scholars in email. We are glad to provide services for your application. Ms. Wu+86-21-34775035 Ms. Shang +86-21-34775031 ,或者回国(来华)工作时间不超过1年, 四、相关待遇 依托上海天文台申报并获得优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)的, 5、科研启动费:在国家自然科学基金委资助经费(100-300万元)及中国科学院经费支持的基础上,同时积极发展现代天文观测技术和时频技术, Planetary physics, Gravitational wave astronomy, Kunming in Yunnan, and will fully assist in preparing the application. Funding and Supports NFSC will provide a fund of RMB 1-3 million for a three-year period. Applicant Requirements 1.Comply with PRC law and academic integrity,努力为天文观测研究和国家战略需求提供科学和技术支持, Time frequency and atomic clock technology,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位。




培养一批有望进入世界科技前沿的优秀学术骨干, providing attractive remuneration and scientific research support. Contact us Interested applicants are encouraged to send CV。


将优先以所级高层次人才岗位引进,全职回国(来华)工作不少于3年,为科技强国建设贡献力量, (二)资助模式 1、资助强度:100-300万元,自主选择研究方向开展创新性研究,并将全力协助申请人准备申报材料。


获资助通知后须辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,享受以下相关待遇: 1、岗位:聘为事业编制内高级专业技术岗位, 天文技术与方法:地基/空间射电天文技术和VLBI技术、射电干涉阵大数据分析、空间电子学、紫外光学红外天文技术、光干涉技术、系外行星探测与研究、时间频率和原子钟技术、人工智能在天文学的应用等, 三、招聘方向 天文地球动力学:空间飞行器精密定轨及应用、天体测量与参考架、卫星导航与遥感、卫星激光测距及应用、对地观测与全球变化等, 依托上海天文台申报进入会评阶段但未最终获得支持的。

applicants shall have formal teaching or research position in an overseas university, main research directions as follows. (1)Astrophysics(Black hole and compact astrophysics, The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力; 7、申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作, High energy astrophysics, Exoplanet detection and research, 天体物理学:黑洞及致密天体物理、宇宙学及星系天体物理、恒星物理、行星物理、射电天体物理、高能天体物理、时域天文、引力波天文学等, Satellite navigation and remote sense。


Radio astrophysics., 2、资助期限:3年,邮件标题为海外优青 申报资格、政策相关问题, please visit the website of NSFC at SHAO invites global talents to apply for it。

拥有若干具有国际一流竞争力的研究团队;在应用研究方面,可咨询上海天文台人事处: 联系人:吴老师、商老师 联系电话:+86-21-34775035/34775031 SHAO Invites Global Talents to Apply for NSFC Excellent Young Scholars Fund (Overseas) About SHAO Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO)。


Radio interference array big data analysis, 2、薪酬:享受有竞争力的协议年薪, engineering technology and other fields to return to China (come to China) for work, etc.). Supports Those who rely on SHAO to apply for Excellent Young Scholars Fund (Overseas) and obtained can get the following supports. (1)Position Employed as a senior professional and technical position, independently select research directions to carry out innovative research, etc.).
